Thursday, April 5, 2012


Everybody has been asking about Kendahl's delivery story, so here it is::). Kendahl went past her due date,  but I did not want to be induced. I wanted her to come on her own time. (She is just like her momma, she takes her own sweet time lol). It was March 1 and I started to get contractions 10 o'clock  at night. I wanted to have a natural birth so i stayed home and made sure my contractions were 4-5 min apart. About 12:45 at night I woke kevin up and told him it was time to go! The contractions were sooo bad, I could hardly walk/talk. We arrived and I thought I was about to die! They had me sign papers and everything, little did i know i was dilated to an 8 and by the time I got in the delivery room I was ready to push! 30min later Kendahl was here:) 7 lb 11 oz 21 inches at 2:44 am March 2. It was by far the hardest thing iv ever had to go threw(at least  thats what i thought at the time) but looking back on it, 5 hours in labor was not bad at all! I was pretty lucky! Everyone thinks I was crazy for not getting an epideral, but it was an AMAZING experience that I will never forget. To go threw so much pain, and then have my baby girl placed on my chest was a miracle. I feel like i would have got jibed if I went threw it any other way. Kevin and I are so blessed to have Kendahl Dee in our lives, she brings such a sweet spirit to our home. She has such a sweet personality, she already giggles and laughs, and she just LOVES her daddy and I. She is already a month old, and gets more and more beautiful each day!